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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
by Rocko Schamoni
Of course I had to read this novel about young punks in Schleswig-Holstein in the late 70s/early 80s as I myself once was a young punk in the same place just about 15 years later. The story is easily told in one sentence. The young Rocko grows up in a village near the baltic sea, grows into punk and finally grows out of it again. Well in fact punk never left him, he just got bored of the clichés and started his own thing which for him was making alternative schlagers and founding the Golden Pudel Club in Hamburg. The novel doesn't really live of its plot, it lives of the anecdotes about mofas and marauding bikers, AC/DC and the Goldenen Zitronen, rednecks and skinheads, punks, music and love. And it lives of Schleswig-Holstein, this piece of soil between Hamburg and nowhere. I know from my own life that punk here is necessarily different from punk in some kind of city. What should „Zurück zum Beton“ mean to a kid that hears cows mooing in the night? Their CGBG's was the local village disco, punk was freedom, punk was excitement. But then someday punk became a cliché and Schmalenstedt, their hometown, became a prison. All this is so damn true, so exactly what we felt and expirienced 15 years later just with different storys to tell and different bands we admired. With its mix of popcultural history lesson and over the top madness it is just the right mixture of Moses Arndt's „Chaostage“ and Jürgen Teipel's „Verschwende deine Jugend“. I read this book in about one afternoon and I say it is a killer. Maybe people from south of the Elbe might say something different but they don't have a clue anyway, so why bother? SH-Punk reprezent! [jan]
 Kaput Krauts
quo vadis, arschloch?
 Kaput Krauts
 Parts & Labor
 Parts & Labor
 Delayed Replays
by Liz Prince
 Delayed Replays