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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Second Monday
Second Monday
imagery - cd
This reminds me of a few years ago. The faster parts remind me of Taking Back Sunday and the slower parts remind me of Thursday. As I speak of both bands a few years back and not now this is not necessarily something bad. Both bands released exactly one good record and this is more than most bands do.

However this record does not sound outdated but very contemporary in a way. I guess this what all these Victory bands like Aiden and so on would sound like if they would not blow completely. I f I was a teenager I would love this but as I am nearly thirty (well it’s only three more years…) I don’t feel like I need it personally. However it is a good record that deserves some lauding words from my side.

The sound is very warm and charming, like an overdimensional sofa to mummel into and moodwise is fits perfectly with the falling leaves out there in the streets. I also like the drum patterns, piano tunes and string instruments they add to their songs every now and then and that give their music a bigger than basement kind of feel. The songs’ dramaturgy is proper as well and the singer got passion in his voice.

So if you are still in school and feel misunderstood by all those nonfreaks around you, get this record, put in your portable whatever and stroll around through the falling leaves and feel the cold of the upcoming winter as a metaphor for our society in general and your inside in special. If you are already out of school you should at least give it a try if you don’t start puking when I say Thursdaybacksundayendoriginaleatworldofapril.  [jan]

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quo vadis, arschloch?
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