What should I write about this you don’t already know?!? I mean, two of Germany’s finest posthardcore or whatever bands put out a split. Is it awesome? Of course it is!
Each band comes along with four songs and not a single one is not good or better. Patterns still amaze me with their fugazish, hyperenergetic, indiesh posthardcore or whatever you want to call it. The guitars are simply great. The rhythm section is one of the grooviest ones in the whole damn biz. And the songs are just good songs. What else could you ask for? Fuck the Lower Eastside. This is Köln!
The Falcon Five are not as amazing as Patterns in my eyes but still elite as fuck. The first song got the same title as a classic Toxoplasma song but sadly it is no cover but rather an intro. The other three songs are rockish postdunno that I’d rather compare to Hot Snakes than to the bands mentioned in the info sheet. But anyway I simply gotta see them live one day. Must be a hot and sweaty business. Get your hands on this one!
www.myspace.com/pttrns www.myspace.com/thefalconfive