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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
The Missing Shadows
The Missing Shadows
fresh blood for rotten vampires - tape
my ruin
Okay, first up big props for doing a tape release! Unfortunately the music is not quite as cool as the medium in this case. Rather old fashioned straight up punk in the rocking lane with lyrics far of political or emotional issues. I really like the fact that they have a song about tank robbery. If the pink tank was stolen I’d cry, too…

The first song “the date” is really good with the fine backing singalong “don’t think you got her”. But the rest doesn’t whip my ass really and I hope they did not pay too much (or anything) for the production because I think the crappy digital 8 track in our rehearsal room could have produced quite the same sound. But on the other hand: hey, it’s a tape. Who wants a tape with high end sound???

And for those who are interested in stuff like that: There are people from Colt Seavers in this band. Eh, and I’m really glad that they don’t play the shitty kind of horror punk that the cover promises. No sir, this is rather like a half as fast version of Deam Dirg or so. People who are into punk Rock with capital R might really like this but I am none of those. Still it is not crappy enough for me to hate it. Just somewhere between “it’s okay” and “I don’t care”…  [jan]

 Kaput Krauts
quo vadis, arschloch?
 Kaput Krauts
 Parts & Labor
 Parts & Labor
 Delayed Replays
by Liz Prince
 Delayed Replays