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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
After Rising Sun / For The Day Of Redemption
After Rising Sun / For The Day Of Redemption
split - cd
village kids
I am always willing to write benevolent reviews but there are borders to my benevolence. One of these borders is religious bullshit and one of the bands exceeding this border are For The Day Of Redemption who play sort of Christian hardcore and by that I don’t mean they are Christians playing hardcore music. No, they play hardcore with openly Christian lyrics and sorry: No gods, no masters! It is fine if you found some nonexistent superhero you believe in and that guides you through your oh so miserable life but I don’t wanna hear it! Go listen to Minor Threat – “filler”! Also the music is not exceptional at all and I don’t trust Christians any further than they can argue with Moses that homosexuality is a sin and all the other crap they tend to believe in. Hardcore and punk are about progress and religion is opposed to any form of progress…

After Rising Sun, the other band on this split also have one guy in the band who thanks god in his thanks list but well let’s call it private sphere. At least the music and the sound are way better than those of their colleagues and the lyrics are not openly religious. But when they sing of “sin chained freedom” this comes pretty close to Christian metaphors, too. And I don’t want to be fussy but maybe they should let someone with a better English read through their lyrics before they record or print them. Well, if you can ignore the stupid religious and pseudo religious bullshit on this disc you get at least a four songs by one decent very metallic metalcore band. Personally, I don’t want to listen to something I disagree with so massively…  [jan]

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