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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Pooh's Heffalump Movie
US, 2005, 68 min
by Frank Nissen
Some might say a Winnie the Pooh movie was not punk at all but they are so wrong. I love the hundred acre wood bunch: Tigger, Piglet, Eeyore and all of them. As the last two movies featured Piglet and Tigger the main character this time it's Roo together with a new one, the heffalump Lumpy. Heffalumps are some kind of elephants and live in the forest right next to hundred acre wood. Pooh and his friends fear heffalumps who they consider to be monsters but Roo is just fascinated. He meets the heffalump kid Lumpy and they become friends. Behind this very simple plot run two main themes. The first one is growing up and the second one is tollerance instead of xenophobia. I don't know how children get these points as I don't belong to this main target group and in fact I don't really care too much. I want cuddly animals doing cute things and that is what I got. Eeyore is lethargic as always, Pooh is as stupid as we love him and Lumpy is just brilliant. As in all Disney movies the constant singing is wearing on one's nerves but after all it's still all so cute. Of course I know that Disney sucks and I know that many people would consider me too old for stuff like this but fuck them. I'm gonna be young until I die! [jan]
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quo vadis, arschloch?
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 Delayed Replays
by Liz Prince
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