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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Crank Call # 1
Crank Call # 1
hardcore fanzine classic
24 pages, 15x20cm
This is by far the funniest fanzine I’ve ever read! It is already about fifteen years old but still it is so damn funny. It mostly consists of interviews done via telephone but in most cases the staff didn’t reach the ones they intended to call. So there are interviews with Mike Judge’s niece, New Age Records’ Mike’s mother, XchorusX-Isaac’s girlfriend and some others. The most funny ones are with someone from Fastbreak fanzine who talks mainly about drinking beer, getting laid and straight edge as a joke while the Crank Call guy is getting furious.

There are also some reviews that are all very knockdown and 90% of them contain the word ‘asshole’. There are also two pages full of rumours that are so ridiculously funny that it was sad if even one of them was true and some stuff I won't blab out here, aight? Good Clean Fun have a shirt that says “putting the ‘ha’ back into hardcore. Well, here we go!

Oh, as I said this has already come a long way but I heard rumours that there is a bootleg around right now. Just ask your distro!  [jan]

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