Anyone remember Schweisser? If you miss them you should try Godsentus from Austria!
Looking into the booklet I have to smile. On the first song “stalinorgel” (didn’t Sodom have a song with that name?) they do really quote one of my favourite arbeiterlieder “der heimliche aufmarsch”. Great thing! Unfortunately this is already the best thing to mention, I fear…
The sound is not good. The cymbals sound like on a 96k mp3 and the overdistorted guitar sound is just shitty and too much in front of everything. I am not sure if there is supposed to be a bass somewhere. At least I cannot hear it and this lacks in the low frequencies giving the whole thing an nerving touch. The artwork is simply but nice. The lyrics are in german, politically motivated from the red side and in german. The band seems to be angry. I am fine with that but the cramped voice doesn’t sound angry to me but highly artificial. Why don’t you scream?
Maybe someone truly devoted to hard music could like this but I can’t. I can only think of the above mentioned Schweisser, Negativ Nein and a past of which I am glad that it has passed…