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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Various Artists
Various Artists
go-kart vs. the corporate giant 4 - cd
go kart
This compilation sucks in many, many ways! First of all it is the title. How the hell is Go-Kart fighting which corporate giant? By imitating its policies, signing every band that isn’t up the trees at three and giving a big shit about d.i.y. or any attempt to make a difference? And this old-fashioned, stupid anti-fat cat rhetoric I got really up to here. As if being smaller itself would help in any way being less capitalist or less “evil”…

No, Go-Kart are a record company and as such they try to sell records and as one advertising technique they try to install themselves as the correct alternative to the oh so evil major labels while at the same time dreaming of becoming at least the next Burning Heart. Why can’t you be honest and call this record “cheap samples of the products we want to sell you to grow our surplus”?

In my eyes and ears most of the bands on this label are completely irrelevant but with Rifu my denial is of yet another quality. How can a label sign a band that has proven in many cases being politically dubious (for details use the search engine at’s forum f.e.)? And why is it still considered being politically “left” when a Norwegian band got nothing better to say then criticising the U.S. and Israel for being imperialist instead of criticising the capitalist ideas inside themselves? This is the same slogans every generation of anti-imperialist “left” people has used since 1968. The capital is the enemy not the capitalists. They are just as trapped in this system as we are… Is it political to just shout what all of your friends believe in anyway? Is it political to repeat and repeat and repeat what you have been told by scene elders without questioning? Is it “leftist” to reproduce anti-Semitism and an us-vs.-them rhetoric that is also used by Nazis, populists as well as every fucking political party in fear of losing its power? Use your brains! No more simple answers!

However with The World/Inferno Friendship Society and The Very Job Agency there is also two good bands on this cd that is definitely not worth being or even being given for free.  [jan]

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