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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
visible forms - lp/cd
One of the best things about writing for a zine is getting good promos to review and this one truly fits into this category!

Audrey from Goeteborg/Sweden are a quartet with drums, guitar, bass and cello plus numerous extra instruments and heavenly vocals. In a better world this information would not be necessary to mention but in our patriarchal world I fear I should address that this is an all female band.

The four musicians model dreamy soundscapes that meander between melancholy and a subliminal minatory subtext. This is not the kind of record I’d want to listen to when I was trapped in some Blair Witch forest at night. Thankfully this happens to me very rarely and now sitting here facing the grey of a late in the year northern European town I am glad that I have the opportunity to charm my ears with music like this.

I’d compare this to some combination of Quixotic, The Notwist and Múm but I don’t really think this would help anyone with a less twisted mind than mine. Three string instruments interwoven and driven by a drum beat that is as unsteady as the ones on the first Hole lp. There is not a single once of rock in this and I cherish that. It’s all very slow and calm. Perfect for days that are too cold, too grey, too rainy or just too sad.

Only minus is the lack of a lyric sheet. I’d love to read them while listening. Apart from that the artwork is beautiful and great. Send me more music like this! And everyone else better join my enthusiasm or else…  [jan]

 Kaput Krauts
quo vadis, arschloch?
 Kaput Krauts
 Parts & Labor
 Parts & Labor
 Delayed Replays
by Liz Prince
 Delayed Replays