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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
The Day I Snapped
The Day I Snapped
hooked on disaster - cd
Uuuuaaaaarrrggghhhh! Clichés! Birds, bloodstains, people hanging on ropes, no lyrics and an artwork that could have been adopted from a design Cult Of Luna denied taking. Can’t you put some more love and effort into what you do? This looks 08/15 and so replaceable…

And why does the band info contain nothing but technical information and namedropping of bands they have played with. They played one sold out show as support of The All American Rejects. Wow! Not only is that a shitty band it says absolutely nothing about this band, either. Doesn’t the band have anything to say, to tell, to express? Or is their promo person just too lazy to ask them?

And this description “quality rock with a celtic slant”! If I had read this before pressing play on the cd player I would have dumped this piece of plastic as a precaution. This sounds like you were talking about a lousy pub rock band. And all the names dropped as influenced. Do you really hear one note of AC/DC in this? Honestly? Naming All AND The Descendents is at least funny in a way but they don’t sound similar, either. Don’t you know any other bands or why do you write the names of some that play totally different music?

But behind all this rubbish of a dumb (mis)info sheet, loveless artwork and lack of real information about the band there is actually music and we should not forget about that. The Day I Snapped play descent guitar rock with a No Idea edge but it is too polished to get through to my heart. Punk must have rough edges, at lest some. This record got less of them then Shakira… If you have too much time and money and you have listened to all good punk records in the world you might try out this one. If not then I’d like to recommend some bands not too different but way better and much more important like Fiya, Reactionary Three, True North or whoever will play in a basement near you and has something to tell. Almost any punk band I’ve seen in the past years touched me more than this…  [jan]

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