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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Inside artzine # 11
Inside artzine # 11
40 pages, din A4
I like it when d.i.y. and underground go beyond music and in my eyes can’t exist without other art forms anyway. So I tend to principally like projects like this one that compile underground art and design.

From an art historical point of view the works published here are rather pop or some sort of mannerism. Many pages remind me of cover artworks of heavy, heavy bands (see cover artwork!). Not exactly my cup of tea but on a damn high level. The artists from more than ten countries really got some skills. Most of the content is purely visual but there is also a number of interviews, reviews and short prose. One of those offering some words is “punk literate” Jan Off ranting about nazi rap.

One problem I had while running over the pages was matching all the pictures with the right names. So I’m not quite sure who the artist is but one page is adorned by the same picture that used to be on the cover of one of the last issues of Trust (that one with the stylized guitarist, remember?). This zine from Mahatma Hitler’s hometown is a good one and worth checking out. To be purchased via website below.  [jan]

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