I really don’t get this. Did I slip back in time? Are we still in the 90s? This cd is really confusing me…
The only explanation I can find is that this is a project of some local System Of A Down fanclub chapter. They mix up just everything except the things I like to a big bastard of indeed grooving and dodgy music. The sound is okay and the singer does really know how to use his voice but after the about 13 minutes of this silver disc I just ask myself: why?
Slap bass, parts that remind me of Across The Border, others that sound like Infectious Grooves, off beats, metal riffs, at least they don’t try to rap… The artwork looks like photoshop for dummies, the band’s name is a tongue twister, the band info contains no information at all and the lyrics of the title track… well, don’t try to write about political topics without doing some reading before. The belly is not the right source for political opinions…
The positive thing about this band is that they don’t lean on any trends or hypes but do their own thing. I am fine with that. Unfortunately their taste in music seems to oppose mine almost in total and I can’t but shake my head in a total lack comprehension.