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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Drachenmädchen # 11
Drachenmädchen # 11
112 pages, A5 cross
I’m not that damn old but I, too, remember a time when there was a lot more fanzines than now and I loved it! This scene to me has always to a big part been about communication and fanzines are the perfect medium for learning about other people’s views of the world.

Okay, today there is onlinezines but how many of them are more than promo cd- and guestlist acquisition facilities? I don’t want to read promo bullshit, I want to read about people! If I read Ox these days at all what I read is the comics and the columns. The rest is blah. So my heart made a little jump when I opened this sleeve and found the new Drachenmädchen. There is only few zines I enjoyed as much as this one over the past years and honestly I thought it was dead…

All the better that it isn’t and the cover design is the most beautiful ever. Once again there is great columns and short stories about important things like music, football and cystits plus some interviews Fucked Up, Tim Barry of Avail and the dictator of Kolo Kolo Island (read yourself to find out!). If you always wanted to know what Walter Schreifels, Martin Büsser or Bill Stevenson listened to when they were 18 this is where you can find out. The jokes page is really funny and there is a poster added. What else can I say? Simply one of the top 3 fanzines in germany right now!  [jan]

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