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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
eigenartig erwachsen durch's wertesystem - cd
kong chords
I saw Egozid live in a basement in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg a few weeks before their album came out and the first thing I thought was: Rage Against The Machine!

This might sound like a hard offence to some ears but apart from “evil empire” I always liked the band. Now on cd Egozid don’t remind me of this band any more. The sound is too different, too un-90s. However the songwriting has got a certain 90s element and indeed they sometimes got the groove that brought me to the above mentioned comparison (especially “fortschritt/fehltritt”). It is hard not to hear the influences of bands like Loxiran or early ebullition outputs. Spoken words alternate with emotional screams. Parts to sway or nod your heads to alternate with sudden jump around breakouts and fast hardcore punk attacks. All this is presented in a robe of an excellent production with really great sounding guitars. In fact I don’t think any of the above mentioned influences ever had guitars sounding as sharp and poignant.

The hand drawn artwork is spreading a postapocalyptic charm and the lyrics are far off the worn out tracks. They mostly reflect a feeling of being lost in a (post)modern world with all its alienation and institutionalized hopelessness. A very honest, personal and individual interpretation of hardcore worth lending an ear or two or a little more pathetic: ten little attempts to maintain hope in a hopeless world.  [jan]

 Kaput Krauts
quo vadis, arschloch?
 Kaput Krauts
 Parts & Labor
 Parts & Labor
 Delayed Replays
by Liz Prince
 Delayed Replays