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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
love your neighbour? no, thanks! - cd
Artsy! That’s the first word that comes to my mind when I listen to this record. This record feels and sounds like someone really thought about she was doing instead of jamming around. The whole album sounds like one monolithic thing.

Monotekktoni is Berlin-based musician Tonia Reeh in a one woman electronic crusade melting a whole lot of styles to a postmodernist amalgam of punk destruction and hippiesque beauty. Björks music has often been described as a mix of urban and rural influences. There is some similar tension in this recording. However it is hard to break it down to such a simple formula. The music is highly urban, metropolitan even. This music could not be written in Wismar or Reutlingen. It is also very contemporary and momentary. In a way it reflects the average post-teenage angst of a woman thrown into a world that has lost its sense. Every ideology has been proven wrong, music offside plastic pop and fine arts have lost connection to mainstream society and horrible status quo is challenged by nothing but scenarios even worse.

The album starts with energetic songs, pumping beats and offensive lyrics but somewhere on its way through the 45 minutes playing time it is losing grip, getting out of control or mind or both. Like all positive energy has been spent the last tracks drift into introverted noise and dreamy soundscapes like every ambitious attempt to make this world a better place seems to be doomed to end in cynicism and bitterness. The record is very coherent. From the strangely beautiful yet reluctant artwork over the brilliant title to the idiosyncratic sounds she chose for synths and beats everything makes sense in a way. A strong and individual record for those about to art (we salute you!).

But when we meet at the show in Hamburg, dear Tonia, you got to tell me why you felt like you have to write a song about George Bush’s visit in “your” city and if it is really such a great idea calling him “the biggest murderer alive on earth” while we all as we take part in capitalist exploitation kill thousands and thousands everyday just to live in relative luxury. Do you really think that you or I were so much better than George Bush? These lyrics give a good record an acerb aftertaste…  [jan]

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quo vadis, arschloch?
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 Parts & Labor
 Parts & Labor
 Delayed Replays
by Liz Prince
 Delayed Replays