Dimitrij hail from Austria and their cd comes along in a nice dipipack. First impression: Why does song one have the same name as the last JR Ewing record?
My second impression was: Why does the singer scream so guttural? I really like the vocals much more when they are more recitative. I don’t like screaming when I got the impression it is screaming for screaming’s sake. But after a few songs I got used to the vocals and could concentrate on the music and the songs themselves. The band really did a good job in creating a noisy bastard of posthardcore and screamo. They combine the darkness of bands like Eaves with rockish posthardcore guitar work and drumming with a lot of drive (like jehu). “ghosts like us” will evoke a lot of clapping hands and singing along if played the the right audience.
I’ve read the lyrics. They don’t speak to me except for one line in “acknowledgement”: “…and all the beats that make us dance in dirty basements…”. Nice picture it is…
This record is better than most of the crapped dubbed screamo on myspace but personally I am pretty much out of this kind of music. If you still believe is screamed vocals and urban angst you should be checking this one out!