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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Song And Dance
Song And Dance
on the inner stage - lp/cd
Recently I was reading this sentence somewhere on the internet: “Emo and indie-rock are killing hc-music”. I can’t get this one out of my head. Especially as I was hearing an old Modest Mouse record yesterday, I couldn’t stop thinking of it. What an awsome thought, what a positive outlook. Go, Indie people, kill kill kill!!!

And this one’s another killer. Really strange music from the most hated german student city, Münster. First of all, if you’re into easy listening, better step aside. This is one for the brains. And for the guitar players, as S&D really manage to be a band with two guitars whose sound doesn’t suck. Especially because the guitars just don’t sound like guitars. I love that, packed to the top with weird analogue effects and constantly refusing to free the harmonies of the composition. As counterpart stands bass player Eva’s intense and incredibly present voice performing stunts over complex bass melodies and shuddering rhythms, immediately switching from sweet and soft to really frightening angry. This is freaky shit. But beautiful as it all resolves.

Ok, sometimes it’s a little retro, think of Saddle Creek, late 90’s Dischord, and arty, but just too charming to not like it. First release of this band and pretty unique in german music scene.

Uh-oh, I’m spinning!
Are you spinning, too? [marius]

 Kaput Krauts
quo vadis, arschloch?
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 Parts & Labor
 Delayed Replays
by Liz Prince
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