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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Die Haberzettls
Die Haberzettls
plus minus - cd
vinyl junkies
The info says this band is already active for 15 years now and has played more than 350 shows. Respect! How come I’ve never heard or read the least bit about them? And how come it took them 15 years to release their first full length and why didn’t they release more than a 7” and a tape in the last fourteen years? And what does the band’s name mean?

According to the list of shows on their website most of their shows at least since 2005 took place in a quite small geographical area around their hometown Köthen in eastern Germany. This might explain why I never came across them. At least one question answered!

Now let us face the record. Eight songs, lyrics and English and German and a maritime artwork that reminds me of the new Vindicator or the Vaders lp. But what do landlubbers from Sachsen-Anhalt want with all these ships? Question after question…

The music is solid punk rock with a little hardcore and without ups or downs like it is played by at least one band in every Kreishauptstadt of the republic. Not bad but not spectacular either. The vocals lound a bit like “when skinheads try to sing” but that’s okay. Not everyone is born a singer and punk is not about perfection. The lyrics neither impress nor disturb me. It’s all pretty middle of the road but some melodies are really nice especially in “mon ami”. I guess in its home region this band has a lot of friends. I think they really like what they are doing and they are doing it solid. That’s fine but I don’t think I or any of my friends would miss something by not knowing this band. Anyway: Hey punk, stay punk!  [jan]

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