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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Edge of Quarrel
Edge of Quarrel
US, 2000, 120 min
by David Larson
Edge of Quarrel is probably the only hardcore movie around at least in a non porn sense and even if you widen the field to all punk movies it is still a classic. Now a company named Sunny Bastards finally put out the movie on dvd in europe.

The story in short: Brian comes back to his hometown Seattle after having spent a few years on college in europe. While he was away the scene in his hometown has changed. His former two best friends have become leaders of rivaling gangs, the straight edge kids and the classic punks who have completely separated and fight each other in a physical way. Brian who conciders himself to be a straight edge punk tries to intermediate between the groups but the downward spriral is already spinning too fast and it all culminates in a last big brawl. And of course there is some lovestories, too...

This movie is no cineastic masterpiece, no definitely not, but there is a few things that make this movie worth watching and loving even though the lenghts it has every now and then. First of all it is Rocky Votolato who plays Brian in such a nice way, you'd really like to give him a big bear hug and then there is there is the excellent live footage of bands like Botch, Murder City Devils and Trial. So good. And when that one sXe kid disguised as a punk is flipping through one of the punk's record collection to scratch the vinyls, it's like a hc/punk classics slideshow. Also the posters, the shirts and the vinyls in the record store are so full of nostalgia. You really feel that this movie is by punks for punks! Plus Brians explanations about sXe and punk and them belonging together is so much what I myself feel... Shot all in black and white this is a real must have seen for all hc/punk kids!

Finally some words about the bonus material. There is a good Rocky Votolato video clip, some deleted scenes, trailers, subtitles in german and english (sound is english only), an audio commentary and infos to the featured bands but the highlight is a complete live show of Botch shot in Hannover. What an awesome band! However, when I see all the german kids standing there like tin soldiers in their best moments nodding their heads to the beat and then remember the live footage from the movie and how everyone is going crazy there I gotta shake my head and shrug my shoulders. We are so damn lame over here... But am I different? Well, let's change subjects... And get this dvd and if you can't afford it, lend it from a friend. This is a lesson in younger hc/punk history. [jan]

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