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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Nesseria / The Grizzly Twister
Nesseria / The Grizzly Twister
dead rodeo stars - cd
This is the first promo that came to me with info sheets exclusively in French. So, thank you Mr. Otto for teaching me French back in school. Now I know roughly what all this is about.

On the other hand there is not much left open for interpretation on this release. If you were a teenage kid, you listened to Slipknot and Billy Talent and stuff and your parents came over saying “hey, this ain’t no music you’re listening to” then this would be the right record to play to them to make them say “well compared to that you crap is pop rock”. These bands are really radical. The only comparisons I can come up with are The End or similar Relapse bands.

Nesseria from France are using more like the pure mallet method. Impressive production and brilliant technique trying to channel pure aggression. Double bass inferno and death metal riffing galore meet a singer that screams like he had a second voice as a backup. I’m a singer myself, I know how to scream but this sounds like it truly hurts. Respect!

The Grizzly Twister from Sverige are more like The Locust covering early Blood Brothers songs. They are extreme as well but in a more subtle way. And to be honest this way is a lot more digestible to me. Unfortunately their sound is significantly less powerful then Nesseria’s but after a little adjustment on the volume control it’s fine. I like the spooky synths. They actually seem really interesting to me and I hope I’ll hear more from them, maybe the new album that their website announces as having been released in May. I also like the way they mix styles totally. You can see them wearing shirts of Kylesa, Wolfbrigade and Mayhem and they got band photos in front of a giant old school style graffiti of their name. Cool shit!

Negative point is that I’d really like to know the lyrics. Both bands sing in a way you really can’t make up more then a single word every now and then and the song titles are very cryptic. But that’s a must in this genre as far as I know, isn’t it? So, thumbs up for Nesseria. Double thumbs up for The Grizzly Twister!  [jan]

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