The Out Of Control Fanzine from Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein is ready for round eight and again their is new contibutors and a wide range of topics. There is a diary written by Zeitstrafe-Renke on the Matula/Captain Planet tour, an interview with the punk band Gottkaiser and one with Timo of Alerta Antiafascista. We have columns and reviews, stories about St. Pauli and diverse open air festivals, a travelogue from Croatia and writings on political issues like the building of a luxury hotel in the Schanzenturm/Hamburg, the Alte Meierei in Kiel and the repression of antifascists after the last election in Schleswig-Holstein.
Out Of Control has seriously grown to an important factor in the northern german hc/punk scene and the zine is always as much fun reading as it is a whole bunch of information! Oh, and the editorial announces that for this winter a split zine witn Massenmörder Züchten Blumen from Berlin is planned. I'm really, really anxious!