Dear Johannes,
I really enjoyed reading the latest issue of your zine but I was a bit sad about all the grouching about hc/punk you wrote. Of course you are right, a lot of what is called hc or punk is nothing but pure bullshit and limiting oneself to one genre of music is plain stupid, but still this is no reason for resignation! There is so much power in hc and punk and I feel this power in what you write at least as long as you don't write about how much the scene sucks... I really enjoyed the interviews with Matula, Kurhaus and the hc exchange student kid in Israel and you are so right about that antiamericanism shit in the Ox. I myself got angry about that before... It is so cool, you do a d.i.y. Cut and paste hc/punk/whatever zine! So why bother about stupid fucks who identify punk as fashion, as fucking up or being as antisocial as possible. We are here for a change, we are here to set an example, we are here to live in a counterworld, we are here to be so damn free that everyone becomes jealous and begins to wonder if his/her world is just as perfect as always thought! We don't make any money of the shit we do but still we do it! We'll never have big houses and fancy cars, at least not in this world, but still we live our way setting up shows in squats ans living in shared flats, eating and cooking in peoples' kitchens instead of expensive restaurants and sewing patches to our clothes instead of buying readymade superfashion at h&m or whatever! Another world is possible! We already fucking live in this other world and we create it ourselves day by day by day...
And so you broke your edge. Well be it so, I still like you! I got to know you as such a nice guy, I'd always give you a hug, be there a beer in your hand or an orange juice! But one thing must be mentioned: You wrote about now abdicating the abdication. If sXe is abdication for you, well then it is not for you. For me and a lot of other sXe-kids I know living drugdree is just the better way of life. I don't miss a shit! I don't lose anything and I win so much by passing my time with a clear mind. I drank so much in my life and it sucked so hard so damn often. Now I feel like I am finally free. If you want to know more about this go read my column on this topic on this website!
This is your life! Do what is best for you! Listen to the music you want to listen to and don't let any scene dictate you anything! When they broadcast world revolution, we'll be on the screen dancing on the barricades!
Sincerely yours, Jan