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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Full Speed Ahead
Full Speed Ahead
all in me - cd
halb 7
When I first put on this cd I had to laugh out loud immediately, because the opening lines are just too funny. The growling sounds like somebody really went out of his way to make his voice sound that deep. This feeling continues through the rest of the record, by the way. The second track goes on with entertaining me. What is it about these background vocals? A candidature for the next Lord of the Rings soundtrack? Please tell me if I'm dealing with metalcore or a group that tries to be real metal, so I know on which level I have to put my review. The info sheet brings clarity - it's hardcore! Now that's interesting. I thought hardcore had something to do with bringing an alternative and a counteculture. Oh no, not THAT discussion again! Well, back to this fascinating peace of composed art.

I don't really now what to say else, there is already an excellent metalcore bashing review on yitnp. This is a record released one million times before. It's absolutely insignificant to anything that has to do with my life. It's boy’s fun, created to serve a certain pattern which attracts certain people. It will never bring any positive change to something or somebody, besides the ego of the band-members and the buffoons who are compensating their frustration with acting embarrassing at their shows. [hilke]

 Kaput Krauts
quo vadis, arschloch?
 Kaput Krauts
 Parts & Labor
 Parts & Labor
 Delayed Replays
by Liz Prince
 Delayed Replays