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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Hello Bastards
Hello Bastards
uprising demo 2007 - cd-t
It’s a fucking mess. Musicwise this demo is one of the best pieces of hardcore I’ve heard in a while. Totally energetic one minute thrashcore smashers. Really awesome.

But what is it with the lyrics of the first song “palestinian holocaust”??? Anyone who compares the current situation in Israel/Palestine to the holocaust, like Hello Bastards do, got no fucking clue about what the holocaust really was. Of course there is wrong things happening on the Israeli side. Israel is a state. States make bad things. That’s why we want to get rid of them. But your one-sided solidarity, dear Hello Bastards, ignores the fact that the only one who is planning something like the holocaust in this region is the hamas along with its fellows who want to extinct the so-called jewish race. Yes, Israeli military and police is killing Palestinian people and some of which are completely innocent. But what about the completely innocent people killed by Palestinian suicide bombers? Don’t they count because they are jews? You say that “they” have always used the media and that this is the reason why there is no movie about this. First of all there is a movie called “paradise now” that deals exactly this topic and then these lines are a horrific anti-Semitic stereotype. Jews controlling the media… What’s next: jews ruling the world? You call for intifada. Don’t you know that intifada means the death of hundreds or thousands of innocent people, Israelis AND Palestinians?!?

I understand that you are angry and you have the right to be angry. This world is a fucked up place and those who don’t feel anger must be mentally dead. But please reconsider your position in this conflict. If you solidarize with groups like hamas then you are not fighting for a better world but for a return to the middle ages where women and homosexuals got no rights and religion is law. In “you spread ignorance” you say yourselves, that religion is a fucked up thing. Why do you support religious fanatics? I don’t say you have to be pro Israel. I only ask you to be against anti-Semitism and religious fascism. Are you aware that you share positions with nazis with lyrics like these? I’ve seen nazis with keffiyehs and Palestine flags. They are pro Palestine because Hitler was pro Palestine and because groups like hamas want a new holocaust just like they do. Is that really the fellowship you desire?!?

Why does everyone search for the right side? There is no side that is absolutely right in a world that is as wrong as this one. And how can hc/punk bands support nationalist movements? Nations suck no matter if they have a state of their own or not. Furthermore this topic is far too complex for one minute of thrashcore or three minutes of pop or one page of onlinezine review, isn’t it?

Apart from these lyrics the whole demo is awesome. I’d love to love this band. Please reconsider your ideas concerning this issue. And feel free to contact me if you want to talk about it! Communication is a weapon…  [jan]

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