Booooooooring! The info says the At The Farewell Party’s “HardcoreEmoPunk” would be off the beaten emo clichés but I can’t help it. This IS the cliché.
Boys in black t-shirts (one of which the one with Led Zeppelin from H&M) play a mix of metalcore, pseudo-emocore and mediocre pop melodies. Has anyone of them ever listened to punk or emo or hardcore or screamo? Or do they really think BoySetsFire and Billy Talent were the real deal? One boy screams, one boy sings, guitars play boring pop punk and new metal riffs and the drummer kicks the double bass drum whenever possible.
Why do bands like these or their labels believe that they deserve attention beyond their city limits and local peer groups? Bands of this quality exist in dozens in every small town between Idaho and Teheran. Go back to your rehearsal room and search for originality and try to find influences the records of interesting bands! Listen to Knochenfabrik or Rights Of Spring! There still is hope. When I was your age, I had a terrible taste in music, too…