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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
vergangenheits schlauch - lp/cd
flight 13
The title of the first song „reisender, kein tourist“ (traveller, not a tourist) was stuck in my mind when I was in Buenos Aires last week. The city or at least its central barrios are so packed with people from Europe and North America that at every corner I was reminded that I am one of them. All the time I told myself: “I’m a traveller, not a tourist”…

In the Coreprobe radio show Benni and singer Johnny both said that many people will write that this record sounds like Oiro finally grew up. I don’t think so. In my ears this record sounds pretty much like the “als was geht gott an karneval”. I’d even say that apart from the different sound you could even interchange the songs of both records and people would not be able to say which song is from which record (unless they know it, of course…). At first I was really bored by “vegangenheitsschlauch”. Nothing new, nothing special. But the record is definitely a grower. It takes three or four laps but then the hooklines get really hooked in your ears. It is hard to point out hits on this record. I like some songs better than others but there is none I don’t like. One of my faves is definitely “toni lampo”. And “ist goofy eigentlich ein hund?” is great as well. The cryptic lyrics are awesome as always and the songs are in the good old Oiro style we all love.

If you liked Oiro on their first full length you will also like them on their second. If you don’t know Oiro yet you should check them out anyway. And if you do so make sure you also get your hands on their 7”es (where you’ll find their very best songs) or the “neon” cd that has them all in a digital form. You can download them all on the band’s website.  [jan]

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