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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Mind the Gap
Mind the Gap
make all the kids cry - cdr
This is the first sound storage medium I got sent for reviewing and I decided in advance that I will love it. Now I am quite happy that the band doesn't make it to hard for me to like them. Mind the Gap are from Leipzig and play solid hardcore right between old and new school, mostly fast with a punkish drive and a few 90s like mid tempo parts. The sound is okay, for a rehearsal room recording it's even good I'd say. Lyrics are mostly in english and cover personal or scene related topics. I especially like the lyrics of the first song „körper und verstand“ („body and mind“) about one of the band's friends who died during the recording period. „und jetzt vertrauen wir auf stammzellen“ („and now we trust in stem cells“) - such a good line. Everyone who knows about how fucked up any form of cancer is – and I guess almost everyone has/had friends or relatives who suffered cancer – can feel the powerlessness behind this sentence. The fact that this is the only song in german makes it even more direct and immediate. I still think that hardcore is best when it is most personal and this is really personal, a close-up of the mix of anger and sadness when someone is slipping away and you can't get no grip no matter how hard you try...

All in all this is not the reinvention of the wheel but still a good recording. Individual, unadjusted to the last trends and totally d.i.y. plus the slap bass on „bury yourselves“ underlines my thesis of the return of 90s Groovecore;). I hope the shows in september which their homepage announces to be the last for the time being will not be the last forever and I wish them playing a few show farther off eastern germany where played like quite everywhere. Check their homepage to get in touch! [jan]

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quo vadis, arschloch?
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 Parts & Labor
 Delayed Replays
by Liz Prince
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