Shit! I should have reviewed this one ages ago but I was travelling. Sorry for that…
Jordan are from France and play indie or postsomething somewhere near Q Is Not U or Les Savy Fav but they are far from copying anyone. Indie rock with keyboards usually is pretty much for the dancefloor. Jordan are different. On their new record song is king. Or queen. Do songs have genders? Nevermind… These songs are all rather mid tempo and melancholy. Most of the time the music reminds me rather of indierockish emo than of all that hype stuff of recent years. It’s a good listening album. Straight songwriting, high-pitched vocals, subtle keyboards, all in the right place. Another comparison I could come up with would be “sounds like very sad The Robocop Kraus”. Rather unique band that deserves your attention. At least if any of the names and terms dropped here appeal to you in any way.