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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Tar... Feathers
Tar... Feathers
make way for the oceanfloor to fall to the... - lp
adagio 830
I’ve seen Tar… Feathers live once or rather I saw one of them perform in a living room of a house in Hamburg where friends of mine set up shows. Apart from that I never really invested time into the exploration of this band. Maybe I should have…

This record already got some time on its back but as I never listened to it before it reached me rather recently it could just as well be a brand new release for me. First impression: They got a bunny with a carrot on their cover. Seriously, this record can’t be bad! The music holds up to the high standards the artwork has set. Rather idiosyncratic post-singer/songwriter music with exalted vocals and a hand for hooky guitar lines. In a better world I’d simply label it pop but the world is a heap of shit and so the vast masses out there will have to do without. To those of the in-crowd who have been as ignorant about this band as I myself must confess to have been I give the order to at least give it a try. Postrock attitude meets Xiu Xiu meets long drives on highways through woods and wasteland. Music that makes me feel like I have a good taste in music. I like!  [jan]

 Kaput Krauts
quo vadis, arschloch?
 Kaput Krauts
 Parts & Labor
 Parts & Labor
 Delayed Replays
by Liz Prince
 Delayed Replays