Final Expression is a nice little hardcore fanzine from Münster(D). The second issue got some interviews with bands like Panic (really good), The Facts (a little bit too literal in the transcription maybe), The Tangled Lines or Trapdoor Fucking Exit. The interviews are all done quite well but not the best about the zine. I really like the fact that this zine covers far more than just music. For example there is an article about nazis in hardcore which is a topic just as interesting as important. There is also a bunch of columns about topics like eating disorders or politics in hardcore and an article about some more or less funny things the editor was allowed to experience with the german police in the past months.
The layout is pretty good for a second issue and of course the usual standards like reviews of records and shows don't lack, either. All in all a good addition to the not so opulent german fanzine landscape and I wish the crew all the best and the stamina for many more issues! [jan]