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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Lt. Mosh
Lt. Mosh
bestandsaufnahme - 12"/cd
I really don't like metalcore or at least most what is called that name nowadays. To me this is often just pure metal and a very bad one as well. This could almost make you forget that blending hardcore and metal isn't a bad idea actually but of course you have to do it the right way. One perfect example for doing it this right way are Lt. Mosh from Münster(D).

The music could be regarded as plain metal with a strong Gothenburg edge and a liability to midtempo neckbreaking moshparts but at the end of the day they still got some secret ingredient that makes them really hardcore after all. Maybe it is the sound, the production that isn't heavy metal phat but rather razor blade sharp hardcore. It isn't overproduced and got a certain rawness. Another point is the vocals that are so unmetal that half of the Rock Hard staff would put a grim face on, fold their arms, shake their heads and say „no no no, this is not true!“ and yeah they were so damn right. The way Benni screams, shouts and speaks reminds me the good ol' northcore days. It has got this certain momentum of veracity that yo can only produce if you sing about thing that really matter to you instead of singing about dragons and castles or problems that don't exist.

This is just a damn good record with all its tight riffs, beautiful guitar leads, hard hitting blastbeats and these brilliant vocals. The lyrics are codeswitching between english and german and the band deserves a prize for the songtitle „adorno hätte die bullen gerufen...“ (adorno would have called the cops...). On top they are an ass kicking live band and a bunch of really nice guys. And the vinyl version comes as a onesided 12“ with a silkscreened flipside. Check this band out and also check the interview with them on this website here  [jan]

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quo vadis, arschloch?
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by Liz Prince
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