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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Jumbo Jet
Jumbo Jet
s/t - cd
blood culture
Visiting shows of the Locust is always a pleasure. Even if they might suck for some reason, the support bands are worth the visit for themselves. Well, this was actually what happened last tour, as fabulous Orthrelm were supporting them and made me forget the pretty boring Locust show.

So this year Kill me Tomorrow was a promising outlook again, and they were really cool and even the Locust did a great show, making the sythesizer-lover's heart jump in circles.

In Hamburg the Molotow crew booked Stuttgard's Jumbo Jet as further support. First thought: stupid name, but I'm the wrong person to complain about stupid band names and damn, this band is fucking awsome!

They did an amazingly rocking, intense live show, really putting some energy into the place (to say it in the words of HP Baxter). And their self-released cd is wonderful, too. Eight Songs in a nice low-distortion indie-sound but still with a lot of seventies-style rocking and twanging guitars. Singer Daizee's voice is often reminding me of wonderful Thurston Moore, but then again switching to angry screamo-like sounds. And that's basically what the rest of the band is doing, too. Switching back and forth, Sonic Youth to Helmet to Cursive to JR Ewing. Well, there are still some edges and some parts that could be done better, but if this band keeps working on themselves with the same energy they show on stage, there will be a lot more to come.

Jumbo Jet and some friends also have built up a kind of diy-network for indy-bands from their surroundings called "the blood culture". Maybe you should check it out for some new indy-input. [marius]

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