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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Various Artists
Various Artists
generations - a hardcore compilation - lp/cd
If you had asked me for my opinion about contemporary oldschool or classical hardcore like one month ago I’d have said something like „boooooooring“ but then I saw this compilation record on Revelation in the news section of Burn Out Records and just gave it a try. What the fuck, this record really changed my mind. Take the first band for example: Go It Alone with their song “the late shift”. That one just blew me away. What a power! I’ve definitely listened to too much “intellectual” stuff the lately and this compilation was my wake up call.

Defeatists might say that all the bands play just the same old crap and that they have heard all the songs like 10000 times before but first of all I haven’t spend so much time with one single genre that it could bore me that much because my taste in music is just too diverse and secondly this just isn’t true. Of course none of the band is creating something all new. As the subtitle says this is “a hardcore compilation”. So of course there is hardcore on it. What else would you expect. Also the styles are quite diverse from youthcrewish to wrist cutting and from circlepit marathon to mosh contest and back on detour. Not all bands can convince me but there are still enough of them to give me back my hope and my passion for hardcore. To name a few: Go It Alone, Robot Whales, Sinking Ships, Lion Of Judah or Snake Eyes.

I know I’m leaning out of the window quite far with saying this but chances are high that in a few years from now this one will be called a classic hardcore compilation representing the current generation of classical hardcore in a perfect way. Well maybe I’m exaggerating but who cares. This record saved my life. It gave me back hardcore and all its positive energy that I need so much. I gotta be thankful for that.

All I need now is this winter to end, the summer to come and a new skateboard under my feet. Fist in the air!  [jan]

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quo vadis, arschloch?
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by Liz Prince
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