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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Deny Everything
Deny Everything
s/t - cd
rising riot
Deny Everything hail from the depths of western Germany and play a mostly melodic mixture of 80s hardcore and the contemporary American style (the one without metal…). It is really good to hear bands playing an angry kind of hardcore that comes along without constant mosh parts and metal riffing but got one foot deeply rooted in punk rock.

The power derives from the strong notion that there is something completely rotten in the state of Denmark and beyond. The bands doesn’t have a solution either but the band feels that there must be something more than this and tries to express this diffuse hope and the anger about nothing actually getting better in their songs. The catchy melodies and the on point songwriting (six songs in less than nine minutes) form an amalgamation of positive outlook and negative state of being.

This debut definitely has power, sounds fresh and kicks ass as fuck but I must admit that the “us vs. them” logic in the lyrics does not satisfy me. I’ve studied too much of sociology to still believe that the world is as simple as that. Of course they criticize exactly the right things like the mass media misinformation or the force of wage labour. The only problem is that I don’t agree that there is a “they” who is to be blamed for that but that rather all of us are those to blame. We are parts of this society and so we are complicit to all the crimes this society and the worldwide capitalism commit from child labour in Pakistan to homeless persons dying in front of our malls – it is always our own noses we should point to…

Nevertheless this record is a killer and I’m happy about every band that at least tries to put fingers into the wounds of our society. Punk without politics is bullshit. And I really love the pink colour on the cover. Double thumbs up for that!  [jan]

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quo vadis, arschloch?
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 Delayed Replays
by Liz Prince
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