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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Alarma Man
Alarma Man
s/t - cd
If I recall how many instrumental bands I have seen or listened to in the past year or so I can hardly believe it. To me instrumental music has always been useless nerd shit that no one really needs. Too often were oh so great guitar gods too much in love with their own dexterity and lost sight of the song as a whole. Too often were morons trying to play a modern form of progressive rock or whatever without writing a single note that is half way interesting. I think all these prejudices were put ad acta pretty much by From Monument To Masses who were the first instrumental band that I can remember to have whipped my ass and I guess I am not the only one here… I think they were one of the bands that really opened some doors for all the bands that seem to spring up now of which Alarma Man is one and definitely one of the better ones.

If I was to define their music with a term as short as possible maybe I’d call it unnoisy noise rock. They got two guitars and a bass that are constantly fooling around each other and let one great melody be followed by another one just as brilliant. In a way they combine the drive of Kurt with the playfulness of numerous DC bands. Moments where all three string instruments play the same lines are really rare but whenever they occur there is mighty groove rolling on. Behind it all there are tight drums that keep the whole shit together when the strings take their trips to elsewhere.

The main momentum of Alarma Man’s music is an energy that is neither negative nor positive but just powerful. It’s hard to identify the feelings behind the songs. Maybe there aren’t any but that certain urge that drives an artist to ever new territories. Territories for which to travel Alarma Man would make some excellent guides. Taking this record as plain background noise would be a sin. This one is for listening purposes only! [jan]

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