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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
The Sainte Catherines
The Sainte Catherines
dancing for decadence - lp/cd
fat wreck
So here we are the first Sainte Catherines release on Fat Wreck. I really liked the shit they’ve done before and to be honest from the start I also like this record but I really think it sucks that now that they are on Fat Wreck one has to pay shitloads of money to see them play as support for Me First and the Gimme Gimmes in venues that totally suck ass. The place they play in Hamburg is one of the worst discotheques on the whole Kiez when there is no concert. Fuck, music like this belongs into basements and squats and small clubs where sweat and beer are dripping from the ceiling. Take a look at Against Me! They are on a bullshit major now and still they play the Hafenklang and other rotten places…

But this cannot change the fact that this record kicks ass. New label, same style. Maybe the guitars are a little thin sometimes and the sound is a little overcompressed for my taste but this is punk rock and there is things counting more than the sound. For me the most important things about punk are honesty and sincerity and this is oozing with these. The whole record is like a diary of a punk band on tour and the shit that comes along with it. It’s like a big manifesto of I don’t give a fuck. I haven’t counted but there is a damn lot of songs that got to do with alcohol and the guy who wrote these lines definitely has a drinking problem. But what the hell? It’s his life and it’s fucking honest to sing about it this way.

The way “ring of fire = 4 points” deals with the problem of being on tour and by that being separated from someone you love tops man so called emo songs. I simply believe every shitty word these guys are bawling. There is a certain truth about the way they sing about ugliness and dirt and being fucked up. Nowadays – well I guess I has never been different – most hardcore and punk kids and venues and labels and stuff are so clean cut. Where is the dirt? Where is the smell of burnt tire and revolution? “will revolution save my soul?” Maybe not but let’s give it a try… And there has never been a song expressing better what it means to be in a punk band than “emo-ti-cons: punk rock experts”. Who has never sweated or frozen in a van packed with too many people and equipment for at least a week will never understand. Period.

So if I should ever start drinking again it will be for music like this!  [jan]

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quo vadis, arschloch?
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